It’s time to Revamp Your RIM Program! A new year is always an opportunity to reboot, reimagine, or reignite. Is your Records and Information Management (RIM) program ready for the challenges of the year ahead? Don’t let outdated approaches hold you back, and don’t be afraid to get started with a plan! Join the Zasio Consulting team for tips on building or refining your organization’s RIM strategy to ensure it’s not just functional, but future ready.
In this Virtual Coffee Session, we’ll walk through:
  • The fundamentals of an effective RIM program
  • Practical approaches for adequacy, maturity, and future state
  • How to identify your RIM priorities and develop clear roadmap for success
Start 2025 on the right foot by taking a fresh look at your RIM strategy. Whether you’re aiming to improve compliance, streamline processes, or enhance overall efficiency, we’ve got you covered to revamp your RIM program!

Watch Feb. 18 Virtual Coffee with Consulting

Watch past sessions of Virtual Coffee with Consulting

Creating a Workable Email & Messenger Retention Strategy

Is your organization struggling to manage email and messaging retention? If yes, you’re not alone. These tools are central to daily operations but can easily become cluttered with redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) information, making it challenging to separate valuable records from the noise. Managing this information without disrupting established processes can be particularly challenging. Join Jenn and Rick for the next Virtual Coffee webinar, where we’ll explore best practices for effectively managing email and messaging retention. We’ll discuss top strategies, share practical, hands-on solutions, and provide guidance on implementation while avoiding common pitfalls. Watch Sept. 26 Virtual Coffee Session

Mastering RIM Policies: Strategies for Writing, Training, and Enforcement

Join us for this empowering webinar to gain essential tools for developing and maintaining RIM policies effectively. Explore ways to craft clear, concise policies and learn successful communication and training tips for maximum adherence. Discover wise enforcement strategies that prioritize education and compliance over punishment, fostering a culture of voluntary compliance. Whether seasoned or new to the field, this webinar provides invaluable guidance to enhance RIM excellence in your organization.  Watch July 23 Virtual Coffee Session.