Virtual Coffee with Consulting

Join Zasio Consulting for coffee and industry conversation on all things records management, information governance, privacy, and retention schedule management.

Feb. 18, 2025

Kickstart Your 2025: Revamp Your RIM Program!

A new year is always an opportunity to reboot, reimagine, or reignite. Is your Records and Information Management (RIM) program ready for the challenges of the year ahead? Don’t let outdated approaches hold you back, and don’t be afraid to get started with a plan! Join the Zasio Consulting team for tips on building or refining your organization’s RIM strategy to ensure it’s not just functional, but future ready.
In this Virtual Coffee Session, we’ll walk through:
  •  The fundamentals of an effective RIM program
  • Practical approaches for adequacy, maturity, and future state
  • How to identify your RIM priorities and develop clear roadmap for success
Start 2025 on the right foot by taking a fresh look at your RIM strategy. Whether you’re aiming to improve compliance, streamline processes, or enhance overall efficiency, we’ve got you covered.


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2024 Virtual Coffee Sessions

Sept. 26, 2024

Creating a Workable Email & Messenger Retention Strategy

Is your organization struggling to manage email and messaging retention? If yes, you’re not alone. These tools are central to daily operations but can easily become cluttered with redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) information, making it challenging to separate valuable records from the noise. Managing this information without disrupting established processes can be particularly challenging. Join Jenn and Rick for the next Virtual Coffee webinar, where we’ll explore best practices for effectively managing email and messaging retention. We’ll discuss top strategies, share practical, hands-on solutions, and provide guidance on implementation while avoiding common pitfalls. Watch Sept. 26 Virtual Coffee Session

July 23, 2024

Mastering RIM Policies: Strategies for Writing, Training, and Enforcement

Join us for this empowering webinar to gain essential tools for developing and maintaining RIM policies effectively. Explore ways to craft clear, concise policies and learn successful communication and training tips for maximum adherence. Discover wise enforcement strategies that prioritize education and compliance over punishment, fostering a culture of voluntary compliance. Whether seasoned or new to the field, this webinar provides invaluable guidance to enhance RIM excellence in your organization.  Watch July 23 Virtual Coffee Session.

March 14, 2024

Developing Privacy as a Retention Schedule and Program Foundation

By now, you’re likely aware of all the happenings and the new privacy laws. Keeping up with the changes and breaking down important requirements is no easy feat. But, the other half of the battle is figuring out how to integrate, implement, manage, and track all the requirements. During this Virtual Coffee, we’ll walk you through some of the practical aspects of incorporating privacy requirements into your program, including designing and building them into your framework, along with the important aspect of the alignment and management of supporting information, including the legal citations and integral stakeholder information.

Bringing all the important details together in a cohesive and manageable way is an important component of compliance support and keeping sanctions, penalties, and negative headlines at bay.  Watch March 14 Virtual Coffee Session.





Jan. 30, 2024

Identifying and Breaking Down Privacy Requirements for Your Program

Sorting through privacy requirements that apply to your organization can be daunting due to the information volume and intricacies of provisions. However, you can simplify the process by breaking down the categories, defining the obligations, and focusing on the big-ticket items critical to RIM and privacy programs. Examples of important categories include the regulated data controller, how personal information is defined, and what processes are required for breach notifications, data subject access requests, and cross-border transfers. This Virtual Coffee presentation will discuss how to hone in on and simplify privacy requirements relevant to your program using strategies like identifying common regulated concepts, sorting provisions into categories, and comparing and contrasting provisions between jurisdictions to determine the most stringent.  Watch Jan. 30 Virtual Coffee Session.






2023 Virtual Coffee Sessions



Oct. 19, 2023

Guide to Key Privacy Law Updates in 2023

Lawmakers have been busy brewing up a cauldron of new or revised privacy laws and regulations in 2023. Join Frank Fazzio, Zasio senior analyst, along with Jennifer Chadband and Rick Surber, co-managers of Zasio’s Consulting division, for an overview of recent privacy law updates in the United States and internationally. This presentation will focus on significant laws recently passed with an emphasis on the most impactful, notable, or unique aspects of the laws to be considered for your organization’s privacy program.  Watch Oct. 19 Virtual Coffee Session.






Aug. 29, 2023

AI and Big Data – Rewards, Risks, and Implications

With all the buzz surrounding constantly evolving AI technology, records, and information management professionals are eager to keep up and understand how they fit into this. If you fall into this arena, please join Zasio consulting and guest panelist Anita Paul, former head of Roche’s records management program, for a high-level introduction to AI and Big Data, and a glimpse into how companies are leveraging this technology to their benefit, along with some of the risks.

The session will also introduce the emerging AI regulations and various implications and takeaways for RIM professionals. Watch Aug. 29 Virtual Coffee Session



June 20, 2023


Practical Strategies for Managing Electronic Records

You’ve spent months developing, reviewing, revising, and approving a glorious retention schedule. Now what? How do you turn that policy into consistent practice?

In this session of Virtual Coffee, Zasio’s own Warren Bean will join the conversation to offer practical tips on applying retention rules to various types of electronic repositories (even the slippery ones such as email, cloud drives, and messaging platforms). Warren will explain a process he developed to analyze the nature of records and the capabilities of repositories to help strategize the best approach for retention management. Watch June 20 Virtual Coffee Session.



April 5, 2023

What on Earth is Going on With Chat GPT?

ChatGPT is just one of many ventures pushing the boundaries of large language models and AI. The technology is fascinating, but ChatGPT isn’t the only example. And clearly, the sexiness of the name isn’t what propelled ChatGPT into popular consciousness. Going from an unknown term to mainstream consciousness in less than a month is no mean feat. How did it happen? And what are the implications for information governance professionals?

Guest panelist John Mancini, a renowned author, speaker, information governance expert, and former president of AIIM, joins Jennifer Chadband and Rick Surber, senior analysts from Zasio’s consulting division, for a conversation on ChatGPT, and how it’s affecting the information governance landscape.

During this session, we will also briefly preview an in-person Boise Valley ARMA Chapter event scheduled at the Idaho State Archives coming in May, where Mancini will talk about his exploratory journey through records and archives to find the truth about his family, as detailed in his acclaimed book “Immigrant Secrets.” Watch April 5 Virtual Coffee Session



Feb. 2, 2023

The Mile-High View for Records and Information Management Professionals

Data security breaches continue to pose real threats to organizations, and with incidents continuing to trend upward, 2023 will likely be another record-breaking year for data security intrusions. The vast majority are preventable with the adoption of basic security practices, and a robust information cybersecurity program, which is now more than ever a vital component of an information governance (IG) and records and information management (RIM) program.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that executives, IG/RIM professionals, and other vital stakeholders are too far removed from cybersecurity processes and initiatives to devote the attention and funding that they require. This paradigm is quickly shifting, however, as information security is increasingly coming to the forefront of organizational priorities.

Join Rick Surber and Jennifer Chadband, senior analysts from Zasio’s consulting division, along with guest presenters Elizabeth Khan and Dr. S. M. Loo for a webinar that bridges this divide by providing an overview of modern cybersecurity best practices and standards along with actionable steps to shore up your organization’s security, while providing practical and regulatory context relevant to the RIM/IG industry. Watch Feb. 2 Virtual Coffee Session


2022 Virtual Coffee Sessions

Nov. 2, 2022

Demystifying Defensible Disposition


  • Policies, procedures, and other infrastructure
  • Records retention schedules and their implementation
  • Fostering a culture that values defensible disposition
  • The nuts and bolts of how to ensure defensible disposition occurs

Sept. 14, 2022

Practicing Minimization in RIM/IG


  • Reduced Costs Associated with Storage and Litigation
  • Mitigated Risks Associated with the Over Retention of Personal Information
  • Risks of Breach
  • The Overall Ability to Get a Handle on Your Information and Maintain Compliance

July 20, 2022

RIM Considerations in Planning for Litigation and Legal Holds


  • What is the who, what, when, where, why, and how of litigation hold process?
  • What is the Electronic Discovery Reference Model?
  • How does defensible disposition and effective RIM practices make the whole process easier?
  • How important is a data map in the planning phase?
  • What tools are recommended for searching and finding electronically stored data (ESI).
  • Are overall eDiscovery standards formalized in respective organizations?

May 18, 2022

Best Practices for Electronic Records Management

Guest Panelist: Warren Bean, CRM, CISM, Sr. Sales Engineer and Product Development Manager


  • Are there records that should be maintained in hard copy, or both hard copy and electronic?
  • What are the best practices for naming conventions, AD groups, and filing structures?
  • How can you best take inventory of existing electronic records in order to know what needs to be managed?
  • What are the best practices and strategies for building the necessary electronic records infrastructure and foundation?
  • What tools can help transform your electronic records landscape?

March 10, 2022

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for Non-Computer Scientists 

Guest Panelist: Maura Grossman, J.D., Ph.D., Research Professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo


  • How does AI work?
  • How is AI being used in the industry and law today?
  • What are some of the issues AI implicates, such as bias?
  • What particular archival/records management processes have you identified as the best candidates for improvement through the application of AI-related technologies?
  • Is it really possible for AI to replace human intelligence? Can AI be self-learning?
  • What legal risks exist with AI and when do you think the law will address challenges with AI?
  • How is AI transforming the record digitization process from hard copy conversion to ingestion in an electronic content management or records management system?

View Questions and Answers from Session

View Slide Deck from Session

Jan. 26, 2022

 The 21st Century Archival Practitioner

Guest Panelist: Dr. Patricia Franks, PhD, CA, CRM, IGP, CIGO, FAI


  • Given that records and archival practice are increasingly impacted by emerging information technologies which surreptitiously put IT managers on the drivers seat, how can Records and Archival managers take the front seat deservedly so in records and archival management projects?
  • Is there a difference between Historical and Archival value? Does the department that generates the record decide if they are historical, or do Records Managers, or Archivists?
  • How will blockchain technology change archival preservation?
  • How can Archivists successfully carry out their duties, while also increasingly working as part of a team involved with activities like cybersecurity, blockchain distributed ledger technology, digital forensics, e-discovery, and information governance?

2021 Virtual Coffee Sessions

October 27, 2021

Spooky Records and Information Management (RIM) Nightmares & How to Avoid Them

Guest Panelist: Ann Snyder  


  • Tales on international misconduct, negligent information management, including landmark cases, and how they’ve impacted and promoted good Information Governance (IG) practices.

View Questions and Answers from Session

September 22, 2021

Theme: Applying Retention to Databases and Data Lakes


  • Can retention be applied to databases and data lakes, or does it only apply to the output?
  • If so, how? What part of the data is considered a record, and what would be the triggering events?
  • What happens when some of the data is used by other systems?
  • Who owns the data if it applies to multiple systems?

View Questions and Answers from Session

August 5, 2021

Theme: Optimizing Your Records Retention Schedule (RRS) to Manage Privacy  


  • How should you determine appropriate retention periods?
  • What is the information collection process?
  • How can you assess privacy implications for records?
  • In terms of retention schedules, what is the best way to address the privacy concerns associated with using the Microsoft Office 365 meeting platform and chat messages?
  • How do you incorporate privacy records into your RRS?

View Trivia Facts About Privacy

Links to DPA Ruling on Retention Periods (as discussed during the session)

June 16, 2021

Theme: Exploring RIM Privacy Concepts Through COVID Records 


  • How long does OSHA or other regulations require cleaning records to be kept?
  • Is there a special retention requirement for COVID-related records, particularly cleaning records?
  • Is there guidance on how to deal with contact tracing and disaster response?
  • How do RIM professionals handle medical records for non-medical agencies or being involved in a medical response such as vaccine administration and COVID testing?
  • How are agencies dealing with collecting vaccination records for returning staff?
  • Are agencies considering vaccination records as medical records or health information? What led to the decision for them to be referred to one as opposed to the other?

View Trivia Facts About Privacy

May 5, 2021

Theme: Best Practices for Records Retention Schedule (RRS) Maintenance 

Guest Panelists: David Stephens, CRM, FAI


  • Is there a best practice to address structured data retention vs. unstructured data retention?
  • What are some tips concerning refreshing a RRS with migration in mind?
  • How do you balance Privacy requirements and big bucket retention?
  • How do you transform an outdated paper-based, divisional structured records retention schedule to an electronic “big bucket” schedule easily?

View Agenda Outline

March 24, 2021

Theme: Best Practices for Managing Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial Information (ROT)

Guest Panelists: Warren Bean, CRM, Sr. Sales Engineer and Product Development Manager at Zasio


  • What is the best way to get metrics on ROT?
  • Is there a way to calculate “cost of ownership”, per GB, of all ROT?
  • Do you have examples of steps or resources to get senior management’s buy-in to addressing ROT
  • How do you determine what is ROT versus what is historic or archival material, especially when employees want to keep everything forever?
  • If utilizing technology is not an option, what are some manual/process-based methods organizations can use to find and sort ROT?
  • What tools are people using to identify ROT? Do those tools also have the ability to automatically delete the ROT
  • What is the best way to have end-users eliminate ROT from email and their assigned individual OneDrive folders without excessive amounts of dedicated time?
  • What are best practices for reducing ROT on shared drives?
  • What are best practices for reducing ROT from the CLOUD?

View Trivia Facts About ROT

February 10, 2021

Theme: Best Practices for Email Management 

Guest Panelists: Blake Richardson, CRM and Sharon Laplant, Records Manager and President of the ICRM


  • How do we create processes and procedures to make email management easy for end users, while also applying records schedules and disposition workflows to email?
  • Do you have advice on how to gain management support for this type of initiative? How do others address opposition to such an initiative?
  • What are some tips for how to roll out an email retention initiative?
  • What sort of traps and unanticipated work arounds did you see or notice after the fact?
  • Do most companies have an auto-deletion policy and then immediately delete, or do they archive for a period of time?
  • What are some suggestions for cleaning up PST files?

View Sample Email Policy (as discussed during the session)

2020 Virtual Coffee Sessions

November 18, 2020 

Theme: The Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) Certification 

Guest Panelist: Soo Kang, Director of Producer Security at Aflac


  • What is the exam process like?
  • What are some tips for effective studying?
  • How many questions are on the exam?
  • What are the recommended resources for information on the CIPP certification?
  • What does the time commitment look like in preparing for the exam?
  • For someone new to information governance, is the CIPP a good certification to start with?
  • Would other certifications provide you with a better “baseline” for work within the field?
  • How does the CIPP complement other certifications?

October 15, 2020

Theme:  The Information Governance Professional (IGP) and Certified Information Governance Officer (CIGO) Certifications  

Guest Panelist: Andrew Ysasi, MS, FIP, FIIM, CIPM, CIGO, CISM, PMP, CRM, IGP, CIP, CSAP


  • Are the IGP and CIGO certifications recognized worldwide?
  • What are some tips to help prepare for the exam?
  • How do these certifications compare to others in the industry?
  • What materials are suggested to focus on for the exam?
  • How long are the exams?
  • Which certification carries more “weight” in the industry?

September 24, 2020

Theme: The Certified Records Manager (CRM) Certification  

Guest Panelist: Blake Richardson, CRM


  • How does the CRM certification compare to other certifications?  
  • What techniques work best for studying for the exams? 
  • What are some good resources to help prepare for the exams?
  • What was the greatest challenge during the CRM certification process?  
  • How will the online testing process work?
  • Are there practice exams available? 
  • How long does each test take?
  • What are some challenges in building a career as a RIM professional?  
  • Is there a recommended order for taking the exams?
  • When is the best time to pursue a certification?  

August 20, 2020

Theme: COVID and How it Relates to Information Governance   


  • Is your organization collecting records of employee COVID testing as part of a return to workplace initiative?  
  • If COVID testing records are being collected, at what frequency are records collected?  
  • Is your organization collecting employee COVID testing data, how are you categorizing it in your RRS? 
  • Is your organization collecting employee contact tracing records?  
  • Is your organization collecting records of temperature checks from employees/contractors/visitors as a prerequisite for entry into the workplace?  
  • If you are collecting employee COVID temperature test data, how are you categorizing it in your RRS? 
  • Do you think organizations should log confirmed COVID cases related to the workplace as reportable under OSHA? 
  • Do you think workplace exposure and medical records related to COVID should be kept consistent with an organization’s exposure record series?  
  • With more people working remotely, are you noticing a decrease in paper records and that more documents are being “born” electronically now?  

July 16, 2020

Theme: Structure Data Retention Periods and COVID Records Retention


  • Structure data retention periods
    • Does your organization struggle with determining appropriate retention and disposition for structured data?
    • Does your organization keep a separate retention schedule for structured data?
    • For those organizations with their management of structured data, how do you determine the appropriate retention periods for that data?
    • Should the appropriate retention period for structured data correlate to the retention period of the output records?
    • How do you approach retention periods for applications that have various data fields? For example, one data section has employment information, another data section has company financial record information, etc.
  • COVID records retention
    • Is your organization currently generating/collecting/retaining employee health-screening COVID related records?
    • For organizations collecting various employee health information, how is this information being categorized?
    • Has your organization determined an appropriate retention period for these records?
      • If yes, what has been determined the appropriate retention period?
    • Do you consider employee health-screening COVID related records to contain PHI (Protected Health Information)?

June 17, 2020

Theme: RIM Policies and Records Retention Schedules


  • We are a local government agency preparing to update our records management policy and retention schedule. I am hoping to gather information to aid in the development of a records program that meets today’s environment. I would like to know about:
    • Best practices/standards for records management policy
    • Best practices/standards for retention schedule
    • What is considered permanent record (agenda, minutes, financial statements, etc.)
    • Paper versus electronic records

May 14, 2020

Theme: RIM Fundamentals and RIM/IG + COVID-19


  • How many call participants still grapple with RIM fundamentals, including but not limited to the following:
    • Obtaining senior-level support
    • Records retention schedules
    • Physical records issues – such as onsite/offsite records storage with one vendor
    • Creating RIM awareness within their organization
    • Employee training
  • Has your organization advanced fundamental areas to more advanced RIM areas such as IG, privacy, and electronic records and information management?
  • Companies are starting to assess returning employees back to the office.
    • Is your company doing this in a staged approach?
    • Has your company implemented an employee health-certification to return to work?
      • Have you had to deal with scheduling COVID self-certification forms from a retention perspective yet?
    • Is your company determining whether “work-from-home” may be a permanent option for some functions?

April 16, 2020 

Theme: Information Governance and COVID-19


  • Privacy regulations may be relaxed during a pandemic. Any suggestions on how to ensure data sharing during a pandemic will not come under scrutiny once we are no longer under a pandemic?
  • Many organizations are looking for ways to improve education and keep people sharp while working from home, do you have suggestions for IG professionals?
  • How are organizations with geographically dispersed field offices (plus HQ offices) managing records management activities internally along with their offsite storage vendor(s)? Have organizations put less of a priority on RIM at this point?
  • With remote workers, what additional cybersecurity measures are organizations putting into place, if any?
  • Are most RIM-related employees continuing to work from home? If not, what is the rationale for them working from the office? If they are working from home, have they received a timeline for reporting back to the office?
  • If RIM-related employees are working from home, are they able to collaborate and work on in-progress RIM projects and initiatives or initiate new initiatives?

11 + 13 =


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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.