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Webinars Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Zasio

Lessons Learned: Data Mapping Made Easier

The rate of information growth and their consumption are exponentially increasing within the business environment. If harnessed properly, businesses gain valuable insight through the depth and variety of information at their fingertips. However, on the heels of this...

Practical Strategies for Electronic Records Management

So, you’ve spent months developing, reviewing, revising, and approving a corporate retention schedule so that every conceivable record type is covered and users can easily find the policies they need. Now what? How do you turn that policy into consistent practice? In...

Implementing Privacy by Design

Privacy by Design is a framework that requires the proactive consideration of privacy in the design and operation of business practices and IT systems. While this might sound simple in concept, it can be difficult to implement in practice, especially if privacy is not...