Records and Information
Management Privacy Evaluations

Our consulting team offers several privacy-related services to determine how your organization may be impacted by various privacy regulations or assist with a variety of other privacy-related initiatives.

Records Management Evaluation 

Ensuring your organization is compliant with different privacy regulations around the globe is a significant undertaking that requires time and resources. We help determine which of your organization’s activities are affected by which regulations and create a proactive plan for you to be compliant (and stay that way). Regulations we specialize in: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and more!

Other Privacy Offerings:

  • Retention Period Minimization: Propose opportunities and collaborate with stakeholders to defensibly decrease retention schedule periods, shrinking costs and risks associated with over-retention of records and personal information.
  • Privacy Compliance Monitoring: Receive updates on privacy laws and regulations to support ongoing compliance and make informed changes impacting your retention schedule.
  • Compelled Privacy Review: Comply with mandatory privacy laws with defined maximum retention periods for regulated categories of personal data.



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401 W. Front St.
Suite 305
Boise, ID 83702

(800) 513-1000

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.