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Blog Archives - Page 26 of 36 - Zasio
Imports and Conversions and Migrations…Oh My!

Imports and Conversions and Migrations…Oh My!

Behind every business is data, and one of the core elements of a records management program is organizing this data so you can apply retention policies. But data comes in obvious and not-so-obvious forms. Records managers know an effective Records and Information...
When in Doubt, Reach Out (to Support)

When in Doubt, Reach Out (to Support)

Technology can be frustrating. Especially if you’re using new software or starting a new process. As you probably know, new software usually has a learning curve. That means you might not recognize the best way to complete your daily tasks right off the bat. There’s...
Hard-Copy Files in a Digital World

Hard-Copy Files in a Digital World

Another day, another personal information data breach. Many companies started looking at their own system’s weaknesses after learning about the recent Uber data breach. No one wants to be the next data breach headline. This kind of news can make people long for the...