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Blog Archives - Page 32 of 36 - Zasio
Designing the Modern Records Management Solution

Designing the Modern Records Management Solution

Records Management in Design Records management isn’t a topic designers often hear about in the design industry. Before the existence of digital art, designers organized artwork in humidity-controlled environments to protect the materials and increase longevity; but...
Brexit Implications for Records Management

Brexit Implications for Records Management

Brexit Implications for Records Management Immediately following the news of Britain’s decision to the leave the EU by vote, many unanswered questions arose regarding the implications for companies operating in the UK.  Nothing has changed yet, but moving forward and...
Laying the Proper Foundation for Master Data Management

Laying the Proper Foundation for Master Data Management

Establishing a business case for a Master Data Management System (MDM) has become easier as more enterprises recognize the vast benefits of linking its critical data to a single reliable point of reference, which is typically referred to as a master file.  With a...