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Blog Archives - Page 7 of 36 - Zasio
Data and Discovery: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Data and Discovery: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

BOISE, Idaho — In a sea of electronic information, constant online connectedness, social media, remote work, and globalization that subjects companies to varied multinational legislation, companies always are vulnerable to litigation and regulatory investigation. By...
Following the Cookie Trail

Following the Cookie Trail

BOISE, Idaho — If you are following the various privacy laws being passed around the world, you have certainly heard a lot of chatter about cookies. You may also be annoyed by website banners that pop up whenever you view a website. What are cookies and why are they...
Update on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

Update on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

Since our previous post discussing plans for the European Union-U.S. Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, the United States has taken a significant step toward setting this new framework into action. On Oct. 7, 2022, President Joe Biden signed an “Executive Order on...