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Blog Archives - Page 23 of 36 - Zasio
Records Management in the Movies

Records Management in the Movies

Create a Super(hero) Disaster Recovery Plan If you’re like me, you often “marvel” at the large-scale destruction wrought on major cities during the epic fight scenes in superhero movies. But if you’re also an IG professional, you may wonder how businesses in places...
The Right Tool for the Job

The Right Tool for the Job

Most of us are familiar with the expression, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Well, if all you have is a hammer and you need to change the oil in your car, you’ll probably be frustrated during the attempt and less than satisfied with the...
We’re Proud to Announce the Release of VR SaaS Global!

We’re Proud to Announce the Release of VR SaaS Global!

Keeping Pace with Changing Information Governance Requirements Just Got Easier Information governance and records retention are pressing challenges for every organization. No matter what industry sector you are in or how large your enterprise is, regulatory...
The Records Manager’s Utopia: A Single Source of Truth

The Records Manager’s Utopia: A Single Source of Truth

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s talk about information. There’s so much of it, right? The plight of managing information isn’t new to you, me, or most professionals. If you need to, you’ll handle the issue on the fly, no big deal. Here’s a day we’ve all lived: you start...
5 Historical Tidbits that Inspired Modern Records Management

5 Historical Tidbits that Inspired Modern Records Management

Reading Time: 2.5 minutes Records management pros are in the trenches of modern technology, but keeping pace is no easy task. Records Managers and Archivists alike work hard to keep up with the rapidly changing industry. Attending conferences, keeping up with new...
Software Integrations in the World of InfoGov

Software Integrations in the World of InfoGov

Read time: 2 minutes Picture this: you’re at the office, and you have a job to do. Naturally, you need software to complete at least some portion of your job. You’ve found that no single platform has all the features you need to complete the work. Many infogov...