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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

ROT Introduction & Prevention Tips

ROT stands for Redundant, Obsolete, and/or Trivial information and includes all information NOT being stored for a valid business, legal or common practice purpose. It is duplicative of official records, past its useful life, and/or information that does not meet the standard...

New eDiscovery Horizons: Employee Personal Devices

When we think about the universe of discoverable records during the course of pending litigation, we usually call to mind all of the business records responsive to the other party’s claim.  Most businesses generally assume that the scope of discoverable documents includes...

Managing Legacy Data through the Migration Process

Data management in the modern era faces complications from numerous facets, including controlling volume and securing information from breach. Perhaps less discussed publicly, but a problem faced by every company, is the challenge of migrating data from legacy systems.


DNA-Based Storage: The Future of Data Archiving?

What if there was a storage medium capable of storing billions of gigabytes of data in the size of a sugar crystal, with the ability to securely preserve it for centuries without decay or data loss? How far-fetched does it seem to...

Designing the Modern Records Management Solution

Records Management in Design
Records management isn’t a topic designers often hear about in the design industry. Before the existence of digital art, designers organized artwork in humidity-controlled environments to protect the materials and increase longevity; but implementing a records management...

Brexit Implications for Records Management

Brexit Implications for Records Management

Immediately following the news of Britain’s decision to the leave the EU by vote, many unanswered questions arose regarding the implications for companies operating in the UK.  Nothing has changed yet, but moving forward and following the...

2016 NAGARA Annual Conference

We are excited to join our peers at the 2016 NAGARA Annual Conference in Michigan in a few weeks. The theme of the event, “on the trail of information” and the workshops fall right in line with what the Zasio team and...

EU-US Privacy Shield Introduction and Current Status


The proposed Privacy Shield agreement between the US and EU seeks to streamline EU data protection compliance for commercial exchanges requiring the transfer of personal data from the EU to the US. If approved, it would replace the Safe Harbor agreement...

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.