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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

California Strengthens Online Privacy Landscape with Child-Specific Legislation

California recently became the first state to enact legislation governing the profiling and processing of personal information gathered from children online. The California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA) becomes law on July 1, 2024, and builds upon the state’s current privacy legislation. The law applies to any business that provides an online service, product, or feature that children are likely to access and meets one or more of the following three criteria: (1) has gross revenue above $25 million; (2) buys, sells, or shares the personal information of 100,000...

Digital Therapeutics And The Challenges They Pose For RIM Professionals

BOISE, Idaho — Digital therapeutics is a novel technology with many implications for records management. This blog will address some emerging records management issues specific to digital therapeutics. 

What are digital therapeutics?

Digital therapeutics (sometimes referred to as “DTx”) combine software and monitoring devices for the management and treatment of physical, mental, or behavioral health conditions. To be approved by a regulator, a DTx device or app needs to be scientifically and clinically proven to manage or treat a medical disorder. An example of a digital therapeutic approved by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) is a...

Following the Cookie Trail

BOISE, Idaho — If you are following the various privacy laws being passed around the world, you have certainly heard a lot of chatter about cookies. You may also be annoyed by website banners that pop up whenever you view a website.

What are cookies and why are they used?

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your device. Cookies were created by Lou Montulli and first used in 1994 by the web browser Netscape. The first cookies were used to identify whether users had previously visited a particular website.

Over the years, cookies have evolved, making...

Zasio Software Allows Users to Directly Manage Records Retention in Electronic Document Repositories

Zasio Enterprises, Inc., a global leader in business-to-business information governance and records management solutions, is pleased to announce its industry-changing software, Versatile Electronic Records Management System™ (ERMS), now works with Versatile Retention. ™

The integration means it’s now possible to directly manage records retention in your electronic document repositories.

“Zasio is the first company in the market to offer such a powerful solution: The ability to apply our legal research capabilities directly to electronic documents, including third-party repositories such as SharePoint, One Drive, etc.,” said Kevin Zasio, founder and president.

The process also works seamlessly with shared network folders that...

Update on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

Since our previous post discussing plans for the European Union-U.S. Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, the United States has taken a significant step toward setting this new framework into action.

On Oct. 7, 2022, President Joe Biden signed an “Executive Order on Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities,” which lays out steps the U.S. will take to implement its commitments under the new framework. It was the U.S.’s signals intelligence activities and a lack of adequate safeguards in place to protect personal data involved in such activities, after all, that led to the European Court of Justice’s decision to...

SEC: More than $1 billion in fines issued after companies fail to preserve electronic communications

WASHINGTON, D.C., — Several firms have agreed to pay millions in fines after the federal government reported they failed to maintain and preserve electronic communications.

In September, the Securities and Exchange Commission said it issued more than $1.1 billion in fines after several firms acknowledged they violated federal securities laws.

From January 2018 through September 2021, the firms’ employees routinely communicated about business matters using text messaging applications on their personal devices, the SEC reported in a news release. The government says the firms did not maintain or preserve the substantial majority of these off-channel communications, in violation of federal...

Zasio Represented at Health Sciences Records and Archives Association Conference in Manchester, England

I attended the HSRAA (Health Sciences Records and Archives Association) Conference in Manchester, England. The conference focused on life science records management processes, the establishment and management of GxP archives, and the lifecycle management of regulated records. Featured speakers presented on several relevant topics including conformance with industry self-regulatory organizational recordkeeping standards and regulatory requirements including GxP and the very recent and complex EU Medical Device Regulations (MDR & IVMDR).

The conference attendees, speakers, and city of Manchester were good to me. I met many new records management industry professionals and took the time to meet with several...

What is Privacy Anyway? A Brief Introduction for RIM Professionals

Privacy is a crucial part of records and information management.

Privacy, however, can be a puzzling topic to approach. Formal RIM texts frequently contain little privacy. And a RIM professional’s first experience many times involves jumping headlong into some involved issues, and without much exposure to the foundations. This can be like being handed a pair of scrubs and pulled into the operating room without completing a surgical residency, let alone medical school.

In the U.S., federal privacy laws are a potpourri of requirements that apply based on the market sector, type of entity, or type of data you’re involved...

What the Heck is Privacy, Anyway? Some Foundations on Privacy Law in the U.S.

Privacy is everywhere these days. And as RIM professionals, we must be aware of how privacy laws impact records and information management. But terms like ‘sectoral versus comprehensive regulatory approach,’ ‘cross contextual behavioral advertising,’ and many, different—and often convoluted—definitions of ‘personal data’ can make privacy a difficult topic to stay engaged in.

Thankfully, for RIM professionals, privacy doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and an introduction to—or review of—the basics can go a long way.


November Virtual Coffee with Zasio Consulting

Keeping records longer than needed for legal, regulatory, and business or operational needs exposes companies to significant risks and expenses, particularly in the age of privacy. Despite the threats, companies continue to fall behind in executing defensible dispositions successfully.

Disposition is a critical step in the records and information management lifecycle, and a challenge is creating the infrastructure and culture to do it defensibly. For this virtual coffee, our discussion will focus on pre-submitted and participant questions guided by the following defensible disposition in RIM/IG components:

  • Policies, procedures, and other infrastructure
  • Records retention schedules and their implementation
  • Fostering a culture...
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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.