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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.
Zasio Announces Major Records Management Software Update: Versatile 2025
Zasio, a global innovator in B2B information governance and records management solutions, is excited to announce Versatile 2025, our most powerful update yet.
Versatile 2025 includes all of Zasio’s industry-changing information governance solutions under a single umbrella suite, including physical records management, electronic records management and retention schedule management.
The new update introduces numerous key features, including Zasio’s new Advanced Records Management Module and a new artificial intelligence assistant, (Built with Llama), which makes it easier than ever to search for records retention regulations.
“We are proud to welcome the next major release of Versatile,” said...
Credentials for Advancing Your RIM Career
Information governance and records information management are complicated worlds comprised of many different roles—each of which require expertise in a specific area.
Fortunately, multiple certifying bodies exist to ensure professionalism through area specific certificates and certifications. Without guidance, though, navigating whether a CRM, IGP, CRA, CIPP, CIPM, or AIGP (to name a few) is the most beneficial choice for you can be overwhelming.
Here are a few tips to untangle some of the more popular offerings for RIM professionals—helping you maximize your investment into one or more of these acronyms.
Certificates vs. Certifications—Yes, There Is A Difference
Certificates evidence proficiency...
Play Your Way to Records Management Program Compliance
Recently, I asked my kids to help clean up our home. After my requests repeatedly failed to motivate them to do anything, I changed tactics and made a game of it. I set a timer for 15 minutes and told them if they simply took everything that was theirs back to their rooms before it went off, we would have some ice cream. Amazingly, my kids got hustling without further complaint. We all worked together, met our goal, and enjoyed a clean house, eating delicious ice cream.
Like getting kids to clean up their mess, encouraging employee compliance with a...
Sanctions: The Repercussions of Poor Recordkeeping
What happens when a business violates recordkeeping requirements?
Most people think of fines—which is usually the case. For instance, the SEC recently fined multiple firms (including multiple Wells Fargo related firms) $549 million for poor recordkeeping.
But sanctions take other forms as well. Businesses and entities of all kinds should be aware of these sanctions to proactively tailor their records information management practices. This article discusses examples of the most common sanctions and what your organization can expect from them.
Simple fines are the most common record keeping penalty. Amounts can vary, but here are some heftier...
FTC Goes After H&R Block for Not Retaining Consumer Data
H&R Block has settled several consumer protection-related lawsuits over the years, including a $1.6 million settlement in January with the City of Los Angeles. But its most recent showdown comes from the top: the Federal Trade Commission.
The FTC raised the flag earlier this year after consumers complained about H&R Block’s seemingly free tax preparation plan and confusing process to downgrade purchased plans. The FTCs’ readiness toward legal action against companies over personal data collection and use shows an effective records and information management program is crucial to safeguarding corporate financial health and sustainability.
Virtual Coffee: Creating a Workable Email & Messenger Retention Strategy
Is your organization struggling to manage email and messaging retention? If yes, you’re not alone. These tools are central to daily operations but can easily become cluttered with redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) information, making it challenging to separate valuable records from the noise. Managing this information without disrupting established processes can be particularly challenging.
Join Jenn and Rick for the next Virtual Coffee webinar, where we’ll explore best practices for effectively managing email and messaging retention. We’ll discuss top strategies, share practical, hands-on solutions, and provide guidance on implementation while avoiding common pitfalls.
What: Virtual Coffee w/ Consulting: Creating a...
Recording: Move or Manage: Determining When Manage-in-Place Makes Sense
Last month, Zasio spoke to an ARMA International audience as part of the organization's four-part webinar series dedicated to mastering retention schedules.
If you missed the opportunity, ARMA has graciously made the video available for viewing!
Move or Manage: Determining When Manage-in-Place Makes Sense
The Manage in Place concept is gaining in popularity, but many questions remain about when it makes sense to use it, and when it doesn’t. This presentation will look at multiple record-keeping scenarios to come up with criteria to help you determine when records should be managed where they live or moved to another system.
Warren Bean,...
RIMpocalypse: Reflections by a RIM Rookie
The Beginning of the End…
As a new business school graduate in December 2019, I eagerly began my first job as a compensation specialist at a premier tourist attraction on the island of Oahu. My excitement was palpable; it felt like everything was falling into place—starting a promising job, living in paradise, and enjoying hiking and surfing in my free time. These early aspirations, however, proved short-lived.
The start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 caused an immediate halt in operations and significant layoffs at my company. Fortunately, I’d been spared, but our HR team of nearly 20 had...
Avoiding Health Data Retention Pitfalls: Learning from Recent FTC Actions
The Federal Trade Commission has recently adopted an aggressive approach to regulating mobile health app companies’ data security and retention policies. We can glean much useful information from the FTC’s enforcement actions to inform data security, privacy, and retention policies for health information and other types of data.
The FTC’s Toolbox
The FTC has two significant tools in its arsenal regarding data retention and security. The first is the 2009 Health Breach Notification Rule. This Rule seeks to cover the gaps left by HIPAA, which only regulates health plans, health care providers that conduct transactions electronically, and health care clearinghouses....
Versatile 2023 SaaS with Retention Schedule Management Case Study: Wake County
Wake County is one of the largest and fastest growing counties in North Carolina. With more than 5,000 employees, and a population of more than 1 million people, the county manages numerous records within its various departments.
“It really is like working at 12 different companies,” Becky Pezzoni, Wake County’s Enterprise Records Manager said.
There were challenges. Before 2022, the county’s records retention schedule had more than 3,000 record series, and a dozen different retention schedules. There was also widespread duplication across those 12 schedules published by the State Archives.
“The general schedule records series were repeated in every...
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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.