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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

Versatile 2023 SaaS with Retention Schedule Management Case Study: Wake County


Wake County is one of the largest and fastest growing counties in North Carolina. With more than 5,000 employees, and a population of more than 1 million people, the county manages numerous records within its various departments.

“It really is like working at 12 different companies,” Becky Pezzoni, Wake County’s Enterprise Records Manager said.

There were challenges. Before 2022, the county’s records retention schedule had more than 3,000 record series, and a dozen different retention schedules. There was also widespread duplication across those 12 schedules published by the State Archives.

“The general schedule records series were repeated in every...

From Seed to Harvest: Cultivating Your Records Life Cycle

The arrival of warm weather brings many people outdoors to tend their gardens. Much like a gardener, a records manager tends their records and information. The records life cycle is like a garden’s natural life, with records being the seeds that must be carefully planted, nurtured, and harvested for their value.

Create: Planting Seeds

Each seed has the potential to grow into something valuable. Records managers choose what information may be valuable to the company, much like a gardener carefully chooses which seeds to plant. After the records are chosen, they are “planted” in the company’s filing system and await...

On the Road: Zasio to Attend NAGARA Annual Conference in Atlanta

Zasio is hitting the road this summer and will be attending the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA) annual conference in Atlanta July 16-19.

Warren Bean, Zasio's Vice President of Technology & Product Development, will exhibit during the conference.

Warren will highlight the industry's premier retention schedule and records management software, Versatile 2023! It's a single platform and interface that gives you the ability to manage all aspects of your records management program — retention schedule management, physical records management, and electronic records management.

With Versatile 2023, pick the functionality you need now and rest easy knowing that if your needs evolve,...

Successful RIM Initiatives Invest in Project and Change Management

Creating—and many times just updating—an enterprise records and information management program represents considerable organizational change.

From the CEO to the front desk assistant, most roles spend large parts of each day interacting in some way with the organization’s records and information. Altering how they collect, process, store, and dispose of this takes more than RIM subject matter expertise—it also takes project and people smarts.

This article discusses project and change management fundamentals that should be amply applied to any RIM initiative—whether you’re launching a new program or updating an existing one.

It All Starts With Planning

You’ve assembled your RIM...

Developing RIM Program Executive Sponsorship Part 2: Landing an Executive Sponsor

Welcome to the second part of our series on developing executive sponsorship for your records management or information governance project. If you recall, in the first article, we discussed:

  • Selecting a potential executive sponsor
  • Preparing an effective pitch

Now that you’ve identified your desired catch and cast your line, let’s discuss how you can reel them in and keep them invested—especially when a failure to implement your project could expose your organization to costly regulatory penalties.

Getting an executive sponsor committed can be a lot like fishing: after much preparation and a little luck, you’ll feel that first nibble...

Versatile Enterprise™ Case Study: The City of Bellevue


The City of Bellevue, Wash., has been a Zasio customer for three decades. From the early days of Versatile for Windows (1994), and transitioning to Versatile Enterprise in 2001, the city needed a powerful tool for its records management program.

Today, the City manages 13,000 boxes in off-site storage.

“Before we had Versatile (Enterprise), we didn’t have an electronic system to manage our off-site records or retention – it was all paper-based,” Bellevue’s City Records and Information Manager, Danelle Court, said.

“Obviously, we are not as heavily paper-based as we used to be back in the late 1990s, or...

Tech Talks: Get to Know Versatile 2023 Better!

You’re busy—we get it.

You know making the most of your Versatile software will make life easier, but it's tough to find time to read documentation or schedule training. That’s why we’re rolling out a new learning opportunity exclusively for Zasio users, called Versatile Tech Talks!

They are quick, informative (and free).

Each virtual session, hosted by Warren Bean, Vice President of Technology & Product Development, will highlight a specific feature of the Versatile 2023 software.

The sessions will run for no more than 30 minutes—15 to 20 minutes to highlight a feature of the software, and the remainder for Q&A. No matter which...

How Identifying Personal Information Can Help Boost Your RIM Program

Identifying the record series in your retention schedule that contain personal information is a strategic step to advance your records and information management program. Not only will you be more mindful of the record series that contain personal information, but you’ll also gain a more detailed understanding of the sources from which you acquire personal information.

So if you’re looking to further your organization’s RIM program, considering the types of personal information in your RRS is a wise step forward. Once you determine the types of personal information within your organization’s records cache, legal requirements, operational needs, and risk considerations...

CPR for Information Governance: The Convergence of Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Retention

In today’s digital landscape, the convergence of cybersecurity, privacy, and retention escalates the importance of retention scheduling. Join us for an insightful discussion where we delve into the critical interplay between these three domains and explore how they impact records management. During this session, Warren Bean, Zasio’s Vice President of Technology and Product Development, along with Zasio legal counsel Will Fletcher, will highlight three critical components:

  • How records management and retention scheduling activities have moved from the basement to the board room
  • The impact of privacy laws and cybersecurity threats on information taxonomies and records disposition.
  • How combining cybersecurity,...

Zasio VP of Technology & Product Development to Present During ARMA Webinar Series

Warren Bean, Zasio’s Vice President of Technology & Product Development, has been invited to participate in ARMA International's upcoming webinar series, "Building a Retention Schedule 2.0."

Warren will speak in the second scheduled webinar, "Record Retention Schedule Management Software," on Thursday, April 11 at noon (MT). The session "will equip you with the necessary insights to leverage technology effectively, gain support, allocate budget funds, and select the right software solution for your organization," the description states.

Other industry professionals will join Warren for this important panel discussion. Register —>

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.