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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

Records and Information Management (RIM) Implications of Legal Holds & Litigation

Litigation is stressful! Its adversarial, complex, and mistakes can lead to bad outcomes, including penalties and increased costs for your organization. As a Records Management Professional, what can you do to prepare?

This joint webinar with the ARMA Triangle and ARMA Madison Chapters aims to introduce some RIM steps and considerations that will make the prospect of litigation a bit less stressful. Zasio consultants Jennifer Chadband, JD, CRM, IGP, ECMp and Richard Surber, JD, IGP, CRM will share insights on RIM implications for discovery and litigation holds, including engaging key...

When Disaster Strikes, Will Your Organization’s Records be Safe?

Natural disasters have increased in both frequency and destructiveness. In 2020, the United States experienced a record-breaking 22 weather or climate disasters that resulted in the loss of life, billions in property damage, and numerous irreplaceable items. Some of these irreplaceable items included vital business records—information that an organization needs for daily operation. Knowing which disasters to prepare for can help prevent the loss of these crucial documents.

The most severe disasters are hard to predict but not impossible to prepare for. This blog discusses some of the most recent severe weather disasters, how they have impacted vital business...

Let’s Hit the Slopes: What to Know About Colorado’s Personal Privacy Act

Have you heard the news yet? The Colorado Privacy Act has raised the brrr for the Centennial State. This past summer, Colorado’s governor signed the CPA into law, making it the third comprehensive privacy rights law among the states. On July 1, 2023, the CPA will take effect, six months after the California Privacy Rights Act (an update to the CCPA) and Virginia’s Data Protection Act (CDPA). The CPA’s passage raises a number of important questions for organizations conducting business in Colorado, such as: what does the CPA entail; who must comply; how will the law be enforced, and; what do companies...

‘Tis the Season… for a Data Breach

The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground, pumpkin spice is on nearly every store shelf, and the air is chilly—Yes, the holidays will soon be upon us. Before you start your holiday shopping or bring out the decorations, it’s important to remember that the holidays are prime time for data breaches and cyber theft.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) defines a data breach as the “unauthorized movement or disclosure of sensitive information to a party, usually outside the organization, that is not authorized to have or see the information.” Each year, many large companies...

Versatile Enterprise and Versatile ERMS Case Study: University of North Dakota, School of Medicine


The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences launched its records management program in 1994. The School was moving into a different building and needed to do something about the high volume of records that had built up over the years, so they hired a records manager, Susan Carlson, CRM. Susan reviewed the situation and determined the need for a records management solution to track records, and a retention schedule to identify what needed to be kept and what they could destroy. Susan interviewed different vendors and decided to implement Versatile for DOS™, Zasio’s original records...

How Nevada Doubled Down on Privacy Legislation

The Privacy of Information Collected on the Internet From Consumers Act (NPICICA) and Security of Information Maintained by Data Collectors and Other Businesses statute (SIMDC) are Nevada’s two main online consumer privacy laws (together, Nevada’s Privacy Laws). Although lesser-known and considered less comprehensive than the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Nevada’s Privacy Laws are still impactful among privacy laws in the United States. Recent amendments to Nevada’s Privacy Laws provide consumers far more protection. Below is a summary of the framework of Nevada’s Privacy Laws along with recent amendments.

What Information is Protected?

The NPICICA defines “covered information” as...

Do Statutes of Limitations Make Good Retention Periods?

Do Statutes of Limitations Make Good Retention Periods?

Here Are Some Things to Consider

Even in heavily regulated industries, up to 40 percent of record series can lack legally mandated retention requirements. This still leaves records managers with a whole lot of records to figure out their useful business life. Where business requirements are short-lived, that nagging “in case we need it” voice often starts to speak up against a shorter retention period. To satisfy this voice, it can be tempting to find a statute of limitations to justify extending the retention period.

Tying a retention period to a statute...

Power to the PIPL? A Rundown of China’s New Personal Information Protection Law

On August 20, 2021, China adopted the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PIPL”), its first comprehensive national data privacy law and one of the most sweeping and restrictive national privacy laws to date. Modeled largely off the GDPR and set to go into effect on November 1, the PIPL regulates personal information collected or transferred both inside and outside of China. It also comes with harsh penalties for non-compliance and gives broad powers to China’s state authorities to enforce the law.

The PIPL is expected to significantly impact how companies (especially tech companies) do...

Do You Ever Feel Like, Somebody’s Watching You? That’s Because They Are

With video surveillance becoming less expensive and more widely available, our images are increasingly recorded. But things are not as Orwellian as they seem. Even before drones, dashcams or video doorbells became everyday items, regulators established requirements for video surveillance. How long an entity can retain images depends on several things, including the areas the cameras cover, the type of business capturing the image, and the events captured.

Most international video surveillance requirements are not found in regulations, directives, or statutes. Rather, these requirements are frequently governed by data protection authorities through guidelines, decisions, or standards. But don’t let these...

You Have Updated Your Retention Schedule, Now What?

This season, the ARMA Triangle Chapter is exploring records and information management (RIM) technology and how it can help in the industry today and into the future! As part of this series, Zasio experts Warren Bean, CRM, CSIM, and Rick Surber, IGP, CRM are joining the Chapter for their October meeting and would like to invite you, too!

During the session, Warren and Rick will present Versatile Retention, Zasio’s leading retention management tool. Topics they’ll cover include:

  • How to keep the retention schedule updated within the tool.
  • The legal research database and managing citations.
  • How users can access retention schedules locally or via a...
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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.