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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

International Tax Record Roundup

For US taxpayers, May 17 (Tax Day) is fast approaching, and the question is often asked – How long should I keep my tax records?

Here is a brief rundown of required or suggested recordkeeping periods for income tax records in the United States and other jurisdictions around the globe. These time periods do not account for business needs, industry practice, or other legal requirements or exceptions applying to various tax-related records that could potentially increase the required time to keep such records.

United States:

As we have previously discussed, the general IRS-suggested records retention period for US citizens...

2021 ARMA Information Governance Maturity Index Report – Sponsored by Zasio

Zasio is a proud sponsor of the 2021 IG Maturity Index Analysis and Report conducted by ARMA International.

The IG Maturity Index Survey is designed to be a data-driven, point-in-time measuring tool of IG programs – a benchmarking tool that will help organizations conduct year-over-year comparisons of their IG maturity.

If reviewing and benchmarking the maturity of your IG program sounds overwhelming, Zasio’s Consulting team offers a variety of IG program evaluations that can help you understand the IG Maturity Index and Survey results, identify...

Spring Cleaning Your Records

Spring is in the air–birds are chirping, flowers are starting to bloom, and the trees are starting to come alive again. The sun is out, it’s time to open the windows, bring out the cleaning supplies, and start spring cleaning. You clean and declutter your house come springtime, so why not spring clean your records?

April is Records and Information Management Month, a celebration of the value of organizing and maintaining records and data. But the end of April doesn’t mean that you should shove those records into a closet and close the door until next spring. It’s important to...

Breaking It Down: Best Practices for Simplifying Your Retention Schedule

Get ready to roll up your sleeves! In this webinar, we dig into a series of specific examples so you can see, firsthand, how to simplify an overly complicated retention schedule. The webinar considers common pain points and opportunities for retention schedule simplification, including:

  • Addressing common sources of vertical and horizontal record series sprawl
  • Optimizing “bucket size” to match your organization’s risk appetite
  • Carving out exceptions when required
  • Considerations in wording new record series
  • Simplifying the use of triggers
  • Harmonizing a global schedule
  • How technology can help
  • And more…

Join ARMA’s Director of...

Everything I Know About Records and Information Management I Learned from a Parenting Book

Everything I Know About Records Information Management I Learned from a Parenting Book.

Well, not everything, but a whole lot. And the book isn’t the kind of “how to make your toddler sleep through the night” fantasy you’re probably thinking of—it’s about the skills that children (and, as it turns out, adults) need to thrive in a complicated and uncertain future. But now that I’ve captured your attention, allow me some time to further explain.

In Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children, child psychologists Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Golinkoff argue that for today’s children, much about the...

Connecting During COVID

Earlier this week and with a lot of courage I masked up and stepped into my friend’s home for a visit. After spending my entire pregnancy quarantined and then delivering a medically fragile baby, I’d been conditioned to fear in-person human interaction. “Do you want to sit down?” my friend asked. Though her house was immaculately clean, I contemplated her question wondering if it was ‘safe’. Through my fear-created, germ-detecting goggles, I nervously accepted. As the minutes passed, my anxiety continued to decrease. I sat there appreciating the change in scenery, my friend’s laugh, the smile lines around her eyes,...

Versatile Enterprise™ Case Study: Dominion Energy


Consolidated Natural Gas, which later merged into Dominion Energy, has been using Versatile™, Zasio’s enterprise-level records management software, for over 25 years. They started out with Versatile for Windows™ and upgraded to Versatile Enterprise ™ in 2000. When the records team at Consolidated Natural Gas initially began looking for a records management solution, they needed something to help them streamline their existing records management process, which was very manual. Not long after their search had begun, Consolidated Natural Gas decided to bring the record center data from their entire system under one management system, which meant merging the data...

Virginia’s New CCPA-style Privacy Law: Powerhouse or Paper Tiger?

Virginia has just become the second U.S. state to enact a comprehensive privacy protection law. After passage by overwhelming majorities in both the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”) was signed into law by Governor Ralph Northam on March 2. While lawmakers in several other states like New York and Washington have proposed their own privacy bills, those efforts so far have hit various snags and stumbling blocks while winding their way through the legislative process that has thus far stalled their final passage into law.

Growing Trend of State-level Privacy Laws


Sanitize Everything From Your Hands to Your Personal Information

If the last year has taught us anything, it is to sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. You are probably sanitizing your hands, your house, everything you touch, but what about the personal information you process?

Laws and regulations increasingly require entities to sanitize, pseudonymize or anonymize the personal information that they collect or process. Other than defining and requiring sanitization, these legal requirements often neglect to inform regulated entities what sanitization encompasses. 

Pseudonymization, Anonymization, and Sanitization Defined

The GDPR has introduced a multitude of data protection-related terms. Pseudonymization, anonymization, and sanitization are terms that are often used interchangeably.

According to GDPR Article...

Wait, Is That a COVID-19 Record?

It’s no surprise that a global pandemic has created a lot of records, along with many questions surrounding these records. As organizations adapt to the new and constantly changing COVID-19 landscape, new processes and record outputs abound. We often get questions from our clients asking “is this a COVID-19 record?” and if yes, “how long should we be keeping this record?” Explicit authorities on company recordkeeping obligations have been slow to trickle down and are a bit of a patchwork with federal and state guidance provided only here and there.

This blog surveys a few of the common recordkeeping questions...

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.