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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

Virtual Coffee with Consulting: A Guide to Key Privacy Law Updates in 2023

By Zasio Staff

Lawmakers have been busy brewing up a cauldron of new or revised privacy laws and regulations in 2023. Join Frank Fazzio, Zasio senior analyst, along with Jennifer Chadband and Rick Surber, co-managers of Zasio’s Consulting division, for an overview of recent privacy law updates in the United States and internationally. This presentation will focus on significant laws recently passed with an emphasis on the most impactful, notable, or unique aspects of the laws to be considered for your organization’s privacy program.

UPDATE: Register to view the Oct.19 recording.


Technology: Challenges for Records Managers

By Heather Rice — Senior Research Analyst

Records managers have a love-hate relationship with technology. Managing records today is vastly different than just a decade ago, and as technology advances, it will continue to evolve. Technology has helped streamline recordkeeping processes, while creating challenges for records managers–creation/capture, storage/retrieval, and records security, to name a few.

Creation and Capture

Records creation is no longer relegated to desktop apps. One can now create a contract in the cloud, send it to a coworker via email, who will revise it on their phone, and send it back through a messaging app. The definition...

Navigating Retention of Data Privacy Compliance Records

By Will Fletcher — Zasio Legal Counsel

Data privacy law compliance is in large measure about showing your work. Five years into the swell of new comprehensive data privacy laws, privacy teams are getting used to ensuring their organization’s personal data activities are well documented. This means creating records—often lots of them. And for records managers, this means sorting out retention practices for all these new records.

This article identifies some key privacy law compliance records that records managers will likely encounter, and discusses how to apply classic retention principles to determine appropriate retention periods.

Types of Privacy Law Compliance...

Zasio Attends ARMA InfoCon in Detroit

By Zasio Staff

Three members of the Zasio team attended this year’s ARMA InfoCon in Detroit last month!

It was a pleasure to meet hundreds of industry professionals to discuss our records management software and consulting solutions. We highlighted how our Versatile 2023 software is a game-changer: It’s retention schedule management, physical records management, AND electronic records management all in one, simple-to-use solution. Here’s a link where you can see it in action.

And our consulting is the best in the business. Zasio’s consultants and analysts are licensed attorneys...

Making Every User a Records Manager

By Zasio Staff

In a records management dream world, every user would think like a records manager—understanding the value of records, planning for retention and disposition, and being mindful of compliance requirements. But the reality is that everyone has their job to do and records management is an add-on requirement. In the spirit of “Doing More with Less,” this webinar will attempt to find harmony between the dream world and reality by giving you tools to deputize everyday users into the records manager role without adding to their burden. If that sounds too good to be true, join us and...

Dance With the One that Brought You: Developing a Successful Executive Sponsor

By Jake Naylor — Consultant

The scene is as old as time: after a long courtship, two people find themselves in a life-changing moment. One gets down on bended knee, looks up into the other’s eyes, and asks the question they’ve both been waiting for: “Will you do me the honor of being the executive sponsor of our company’s records inventory and retention schedule revision?” Doves are released, music fills the air, and the two ride off into the sunset after a breathless, “YES!”

When building an IG project, it might seem easier to get married than find an executive...

Zasio Presents at NAGARA National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio

By Zasio Staff

Zasio Enterprises attended this year’s National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators national conference in Cincinnati! It was a busy, but fun few days!

Warren Bean, Zasio’s senior sales engineer, was a session presenter along with Pari Swift of the Ohio State University/Inter-University Council on day two of the conference.

Session: Mine the Gaps: Uncovering What You Don’t Know About Your Retention Schedule
Date: Wednesday, July 19 at 2:20 p.m.

Synopsis: This session will delve into how you go about those activities, including best practices, pitfalls, and real-world examples. It will help attendees understand the...

Closer Look: Saudi Arabia’s New Comprehensive Personal Data Protection Law

The Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) is Saudi Arabia’s first comprehensive data protection law. It was published in the Official Gazette in September 2021 and came into effect on March 17, 2023. This law governs all aspects of the processing of the personal data of individuals residing in the country. Organizations will have until Sept. 13, 2024, to comply with the new law.

On March 10, 2022, the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) and the National Data Management Office (NDMO) jointly released draft Executive Regulations complementing the PDPL. The regulation’s final version is expected to be released before...

What is a Data Leak?

Refresh your news feed and you will often see yet another company has become the victim of a data leak. Today, most companies are storing sensitive information electronically, making data leaks a major concern.  Information security is becoming more important than ever.

Data Leak vs. Data Breach

So, what is a data leak? Data leaks and data breaches both involve exposure to sensitive information. The main distinction though, is data leaks are caused internally, usually unintentionally. Data breaches, on the other hand, are intentionally caused by external actors. The most frequent causes of both, however, are a lack of employee...

Virtual Coffee with Consulting: Practical Strategies for Managing Electronic Records

You’ve spent months developing, reviewing, revising, and approving a glorious retention schedule. Now what? How do you turn that policy into consistent practice?

In this session of Virtual Coffee, Zasio’s own Warren Bean will join the conversation to offer practical tips on applying retention rules to various types of electronic repositories (even the slippery ones such as email, cloud drives, and messaging platforms). Warren will explain a process he developed to analyze the nature of records and the capabilities of repositories to help strategize the best approach for retention management.

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.