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Stay on top of the changing information governance landscape with expertly written blogs and industry-driven webinars by Zasio experts. Our case studies show how we’ve served every industry from pharmaceutical to utilities.

Paper: Scan It or Store It?

It’s the 21st Century and we’re still managing paper? Why don’t we just scan it all and get rid of the boxes?

No doubt you’ve heard these questions before, or perhaps even said them yourself. In this webinar, we’ll dive into this question to see if you can actually get rid of those paper records—whether digitizing is possible, practical, and preferred. Joining us to provide real-world insights and expertise will be Lisa McClurg of Cisco Systems.

More about our guest presenter:

As the Operations Manager on the Enterprise Records and Information Management team (“ERIM”), Lisa is primarily responsible for vendor...

More States Jump on the Privacy Bandwagon

By Summer Hilger

Data privacy laws continue to gain momentum among U.S. states. Just this spring, comprehensive consumer privacy bills have been enacted in Indiana, Iowa, Montana, and Tennessee. Florida enacted its Technology Transparency Act in June. Washington has also taken steps toward comprehensive privacy legislation with its My Health My Data Act, although it is more targeted than can be addressed in this overview. In Texas, a comprehensive privacy bill is awaiting the governor’s signature.

The new laws go into effect: Florida, July 2023; Tennessee, July 2024; Montana, October 2024; Iowa, January 2025; and Indiana, January 2026.

These laws...

Digitizing Records Considerations for RIM Professionals

Considerations When Digitizing Records

A recent survey of over 500 records and information management (RIM) professionals revealed decision makers are intrigued by the benefits of transforming physical records into digital. This is not surprising given technology’s influence on society.

With digital records, however, come several issues that RIM professionals should consider: (1) identifying documents that may be kept in electronic form; (2) specifications or conditions of electronic records; and (3) security measures that are in line with a record’s content medium. Navigating these issues can be difficult. Nonetheless, businesses must consider the implications of records digitalization.

Documents That May...

Virtual Coffee with Consulting: Practical Strategies for Managing Electronic Records

So, you’ve spent months developing, reviewing, revising, and approving a glorious retention schedule. Now what? How do you turn that policy into consistent practice?

In this session of Virtual Coffee, Zasio’s own Warren Bean will join the conversation to offer some practical tips on applying retention rules to various types of electronic repositories, even the slippery ones like email, cloud drives, and messaging platforms. Warren will walk us through a process he developed to analyze the nature of records and the capabilities of repositories to help strategize the best approach for retention management.

We usually get quite a few questions...

Zasio Enterprises, Inc. Announces Versatile 2023

Zasio Enterprises, Inc., a global leader in business-to-business information governance and records management solutions, is pleased to announce the newest flagship product in its Versatile lineup, Versatile 2023.

The soon-to-be-released software includes all of Zasio’s industry-changing information governance solutions under a singular umbrella suite.

With Versatile 2023, customers can choose the features they want whether they’re managing electronic records, tracking box locations around multiple countries, or building a global retention schedule. Customers can start with retention scheduling and add electronic records as needs and requirements evolve — without implementing a new solution.

Additionally, users can manage files on network file...

Comply or Pay Up: U.S. Financial Regulators Take Aim at Electronic Communications Recordkeeping

Over the past few years, and especially since the early days of COVID-19, workplaces have seen a huge increase in the use of electronic messaging and communications programs. Apps such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, and Slack are widely used for daily business and intra-office communications. This is especially true for financial businesses such as broker-dealers and traders, who routinely conduct their business and communications remotely and electronically.

While these modes of electronic communication provide ease and convenience, they present a robust challenge to companies when it comes to properly capturing and keeping electronic communications as records. This challenge is...

Staying One Step Ahead of Cyber Criminals: NYDFS Updating Cybersecurity Regulation for 2023

Since 2017, the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) cybersecurity regulation has established minimum cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies that are licensed or registered by NYDFS. The regulation is set to be updated in 2023 to address the ever-increasing sophistication and scope of cyber threats. NYDFS issued a draft regulation last November, and the public comment period ended on Jan. 9. NYDFS is currently reviewing those comments, and a final rule is expected later this year.

Just like California’s emissions regulations’ far-reaching impact on the national auto industry, the cybersecurity regulation has altered the information security practices...

Managing Means Securing: Information Security for RIM Professionals

It’s Monday morning and you’ve logged in to start working on your inbox. One email jumps out first: over the weekend a sales team member had their company laptop and a thumb drive stolen at a coffee shop. Or, they accidentally left it there—they’re not quite sure how it got away. Regardless, a Good Samaritan has just dropped off both at reception. But they left without leaving a name or saying much of anything.

In another email, you learn an engineer realized they accidentally sent two large customer files early last week…to the wrong customer. Follow-ups to the recipient and...

Versatile Retention, Versatile Enterprise, and Consulting Services Case Study: Global Leader in Pharmaceutical Industry

The Customer

A global leader in the pharmaceutical industry. Customer needed a global-sized solution for its records retention management strategy.

 The Challenge

The customer’s prior solution lacked the international reach needed to cover countries in which the customer had a presence.

“The main challenge was even if there was a global retention policy, it wasn’t followed everywhere,” the customer’s RIM governance lead said. “It wasn’t forced to be implemented in different countries. So, the countries had their own retention policies, and it wasn’t regularly updated and there was not a group of reviewers.”

New legal record requirements had not been taken...

Retention Schedules vs Record Series: What’s the Difference?

Please join us for our third installment of the “Doing More with Less” webinar series on Thursday, April 20 at 12 p.m. mountain time, where we explore how to manage more information with fewer resources.

In this session, we’ll tackle the perennial debate about retention schedules vs. record series, and how that relates to doing more with less. You can expect to hear about big buckets, small buckets, functional vs. departmental schedules, and much more.

Barbara Benson, director of records management services at the University of Washington, will help us dissect...

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A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.